Astha Blogs

Abetment of suicide and its consequences

A Legal PerspectiveAbetment of suicide is a grave offense under the Indian Penal Code (IPC), specifically addressed in Section 306 IPC, which criminalizes the act of encouraging, instigating, or aiding another person to commit suicide.


Difference Between Agreement And Contract In India

In India, the terms “agreement” and “contract” are often used interchangeably in everyday conversations, leading to potential confusion in legal contexts where precise terminology matters. While colloquially similar, legally they represent distinct concepts, especially when distinguishing between an agreement and a contract.


Divorce and alimony rights in India

Alimony (maintenance, support or sustenance) is the financial support that is provided to a spouse after divorce. Under Section 25 of the Hindu Marriage Act, permanent alimony is provided by the court to the wife or even to the husband for her or his support and maintenance.


All about the term ‘Cheque Bounce’ and the legal provisions associated with it

Understanding the Concept of Dishonoured ChequesIn layman terms, a dishonoured cheque, often referred to as a bounced cheque, is a cheque that is presented for payment but by the bank, it is returned unpaid.