News gathering privileges of journalists as determined by the law

Submitted by asandil on 2/14/2014

A free press is said to be one of the foundational pillars of a democratic society. The law makers across the globe have granted so many privileges to the profession of journalism. The freedom of expression is considered to be totally different from the liberties that are conferred upon other individuals and institutions. The freedom given to a journalist is not of individualistic nature, and implies to the right of accredited print and media bodies that can express and publish their views related to any walk of life.

The freedom and the bouquet of privileges are alright but it is questionable on daily basis whether these lawful rights really work for the journalists or not. Almost every day we can hear the news that journalists were barred from entering the place where a newsworthy happening was taking place. Journalists belonging to different media are threatened by the police that if they enter a particular area, they will be arrested on the spot.

Therefore, what do these privileges really mean to an average journalist? Generally, what courts defer to the police and other lawful agencies, is that no one would interfere with reporters just on the pretext of managing a crime spot or protecting the public. The court states that the reporters from different media domains should also be protected while they are on the mission of sensitive news gathering. It is a precondition for reporters also that they would never try to convince any police or investigating official that their rights are being violated on the scene.

In all the developed countries, freedom of expression implies that each and every citizen possesses the right to express his or her opinion, criticism or creativity without any fear. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights also states that “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference, and impart information and ideas through any media regardless of frontiers”.

However, it is also noteworthy that freedom of expression, particularly in India, is at stake because right since the freedom the country, a few people or groups have possessed a stronghold on the different mediums of the press. It is also a common belief that editors and journalists always work under pressure that is made upon them by their capitalist masters. Almost all the newspapers in India run their operations on the income that they generate through advertising, and as a result, their advertising interests never let them do things in the way they should do. Recently, the phenomenal of ‘paid news’ is also in the air that has shaken the entire concept of press and its principles.

On the whole, most of the rulings given by the court regarding the privileges of journalists fail to clarify the nature and scope of these special grants and privileges. Some solid amendments are suggestible to ensure the rights of journalists so that they can utilize them while performing their duties.