Women and Divorce in the new-age Indian Society

Submitted by admin on May 27, 2024

At the point when opting for divorce in India, it used to be difficult to confront a piercing and stooping glare. That is evolving now. A short understanding of how Indians see this incident is important. It is the legitimate bond between two life partners who wish to bring an end to their pledges (known as pheras), for all impacts and purposes. The way to get divorce in India is truly not at all like that which is practiced in western nations like the Unites States and Sweden.

There is one and only set of laws that are actualized and emulated nationwide by all levels of courts. In earlier days, regardless of whether there existed a radical divide between spouses, it was expected (by elders and society) alike that they would resolve the matter amicably. India is still a country where society is ruled by male members and women are not that much free to raise their voices or hold their opinions.

This has in the past brought about numerous horrible treacheries conferred against Indian ladies. From the customs of dowry and satti, they have been misused and made to subject themselves to agonizing post-conjugal conditions for what was marked as the “welfare of the family”. Even they are compelled to sit at home and deal with the family. However, in some of the cases, the situation is changing with time and an augmenting attitude.

As we see progressions in the fields of advancements, training and human rights, it is the metros and urban locales that appear to be simply starting to comprehend the requirement for Indians to embrace divorcees as a part of society. Urban Indian couples confronting issues, now don’t ponder the societal outcomes, rather they advance and start documenting for divorce.

In India, divorce will take long time to be accepted and entertained yet the new-age generation is consistently making it out all the way. For them, the stigma of divorce is losing its socio economic reasons associated with it. More than half of the divorces cases which are pending in Indian courts are mainly from metro and mini metro cities.

Some might argue that women empowerment leads to ego clashes between the spouses but it is equally reasonable to argue that men can’t bring themselves to believe that today their wives are shoulder to shoulder with them and some in fact are even ahead of them. So, it is not the empowerment which has created the ego clashes, it is the inability of some men to adapt to the changes which have been brought about due to empowerment.

If you need any further information or clarification in this regard, please feel free to contact us or post your queries on our website where one of our exclusively appointed legal experts will help you more.